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  • Matches & Settings (Cricket LiveScore Tablet)

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 (3) In Progress:  See matches that are partially scored, either on the current device or elsewhere. To resume scoring, tap anywhere on the row of the match. To delete any synced scores, swipe to the left on the match and select Clear. (On Android, press and hold on any match to show the Clear option.)


After selecting Clear, use Clear Local Data to delete match data on the device that you're scoring or Clear All Data to delete local data and additionally reset the match on the Play-Cricket server.

 (4) Upcoming: See matches that are scheduled and available for scoring in the next 5 days. To select a match for scoring, tap anywhere on the row of the required match. To download a match for offline scoring or clear data for a downloaded match, swipe to the left on the match for more options. (On Android, press and hold on match to show more options).
