After selecting a grade, the user will see the the ‘Matches’ screen. 



Highlighted Features:

(1) Directs users back to the global menu where they can select Demo Match, Settings, About, Help or Login / Logout.

(2) The grade dropdown displays matches that have been setup on RugbyLink for the Club / Association that's been logged into. These matches will sync to the system providing there is an internet connection. 

Matches will display in one of 3 sections: 


If the app is not connected to the internet, ending a match shows the match in the ‘In Progress’ section.

Once connected to the internet, ending a match syncs the match scores to RugbyLink and shows the match in the ‘Completed Matches’ section.

This sections displays all the matches that have been downloaded from the device that fall within the date range (+- one week) 

(7) Allows for scoring a match on the fly with custom players - note these matches will not sync to RugbyLink.