A player permit is a mechanism whereby clubs gain approval from their governing body for a player who may otherwise be prevented from playing, such as overseas players or professionals.


  1. Search for the player within the system by either ID number or Player Name. A list of players is displayed. 
    (For Associations, make sure that where a player is listed as belonging to more than one club, that the correct club is chosen.)

  2. Click the Permit button to apply for a Permit. The Submit/Edit Player Permit screen is displayed.
  3. Select the Parent Organisation (Association) the permit applies to, and the Permit Type.
  4. Fill in the Organisation (Club) comment. Sufficient information here will enable the Parent Organisation to respond to the permit faster.
  5. Click Submit.


All players requiring a permit must already be added to the club's playing list. When applying for a permit for a player that is not in the system, first add that player to your person list and then apply for the permit.

This applies to the association and other equivalent levels of governing bodies who will receive notification of Permit applications that require further action.

  1. Ensure the current season is selected, or select ALL SEASONS from the Season dropdown list.
  2. Locate the player in the Permits List.

    The Permit request status can be one of the following:

    Unsubmitted : A permit that has been created but not yet submitted
    Pending Association : A permit that is waiting on the Association to either grant or deny the application.
    Granted : A permit that has been processed and granted by the Association.
    Denied - Association : A permit that has been denied by the association.

  3. Click Detail to view the permit request or Audit to view the permit history information.
  4. Select the appropriate Permit Response: Granted, Denied, or More Information

    If More Information is requested by the Parent Organisation, the Permit will be returned to the applying club to provide further detail on the Permit Request.

  5. Fill in the Association comment under Parent Organisation comments.
  6. Click Submit.

When a clearance application changes status an email is sent out to both clubs and the association notifying them of the change.

Emails are sent to:

  • Any club administrative user that either created the request, or responded to it.
  • Any club administrative user that is subscribed to the Clearance/Permit request Notification.
  • Any association administrative user that is subscribed to the Clearance/Permit request Notification.

All changes to the permit application will result in an "audit" record that is accessible by the association.