There are several reports and pages available in Play Football to view, action, and reconcile registrations and payments made via the online Member Sign-up form. These reports provide administrators with everything they need to keep on top of their registrations.  The key pages and reports for admins can be found under the ‘Registration’ menu, and include:


Tip - at the bottom of many of the pages, there is a 'Download Detail Report' and 'Download Summary Report' option to export the information to an Excel document. These reports house additional information not always visible on the pages, including the breakdown of payments (club, association, state, national splits for an individual registration), payment gateway information, details related to the purchase and much more. 


Registration Management 

There is a 'bulk actions' feature where registrations can be selected and an action can be performed individually or in in bulk.

Actions include:



The Invoice List page provides a full list of individual registrations including details and actions related to their invoices, including:



Product Purchases 

This page sorts registrations via products purchased by registrants.  

A 'Download Report' link is available at the bottom of the page.  The report contains additional information relating to each registration including further details about the product purchased, and payment information. 


Payment Gateway 

The Payment Gateway report provides information to the admins to reconcile payments received by the organisation. 

There is a ‘Download Report’ option at the bottom of the page that exports the data to an Excel spreadsheet.  Additional information within this report includes: transaction id, payment gateway details and processing fees.


Other Reports 

There are a number of other reports available within the ‘Reports’ menu that will help clubs/associations manage their registrations, including:

-          Transaction Report: filter by date transactions that have been made and change the payment status via the ‘Actions’ option (eg. select ‘paid’ if a payment was made offline).

-          New Players: view a list of new players have registered to the organisation for the first time.

If your organisation has added ‘custom fields’ and view details of those fields, please view the ‘Custom Information’ section for relevant articles.