The Organisation Edit screen allows you to change information about your Club/Association, including contact information. This information is displayed on the About page which is accessed from the Menu on the public SportzVault site, or by clicking the logo in the top right hand side of the screen.

Editing of Organisation Information is not available to all sports. If you are not able to edit this information, please contact Support for assistance.

Be aware that any personal details you add to this screen will be publicly available.

Organisation Information

Organisation Type *Organisation type must be selected from the dropdown list.

Organisation Name *

Full name of the club/association - e.g. Panthers Premier League Netball or University of Qld RUFC.

For clubs, this name will appear in many places on the site, including matches and ladders.


Avoid the use of superfluous terms, such as 'Netball Club' or 'Ruby Club' at the end of the name.

Organisation Short Name *

An abbreviated name - typically the initials e.g. PPLN or UOCR.

Website URL *

Organisation's website URL.


Description of your club/association.

Main Ground/Club Rooms/Head Office Details (if applicable)


In the case of a club, this will usually be the address of the main ground/club rooms. For associations/other bodies it may be a head office address, or not applicable.

Suburb/Town *

City/town/suburb of the address entered above. This information may be used to geographically locate your club for prospective players, so please fill in.


Postcode of the address entered above. This information may be used to geographically locate your club for prospective players, so please fill in.

State *

State of the address entered above.

Country *

This information is populated based on you club/association location, and cannot be changed.


Phone number for the ground, if applicable.

Map Reference

Map reference for the address entered above.

Main Contact Details (for your club/association)

Contact Name

Name of the main contact.

Contact EmailContact email address. This address is 'munged' on the public site to protect against spammers being able to easily obtain the address.
Contact PhoneContact phone number.
Contact FaxContact fax number.

Contact Address

Address of the main contact (e.g. postal address).

Contact Suburb

Suburb of the main contact.

Contact Postcode

Postcode of the main contact.

Miscellaneous information (for your club/association)

Organisation is Hidden

Check this to hide an entity from any public website. A hidden entity will still appear in admin page searches.

Organisation is Active

Check this to allow the entity to be discovered through Admin Pages or public sites.

Uncheck this to 'hide' the entity in the Admin Pages, however, it will still appear in public searches.

An inactive entity will still appear in admin page searches.

Time Zone *Select a State from the list of states.
Current Season *Select the current season from the list of seasons.

Change Logo - Uploading logo

Update your organisation logo here.  This will appear on websites, fixtures and ladders.

  • Only files of type .gif, .jpg and .png are allowed.
  • Maximum file size of uploaded file is 0.03 MB.
  • The logo will be automatically be resized if it can fit proportionally within a size of 75 to 100 pixels.