Mode: Competition Management

Menu: Competition >> Draws >> Match Types


This page allows for the editing and creation of new match types.

Match Type Details

Period Types

Rubber, Set, Game - for games like tennis

Number of Players

The amount of different players required for the match. This is mainly for matches where a team result is made up of multiple individual matches.

Number of Courts

The minimum amount of fields/courts required for the match to be completed. NB, this can be less than 1 eg for some junior matches. This is used when allocation venues during fixturing.

Rubber Details

Rubbers can be added by clicking on the "Add rubber" link.

Period Details

Rubbers are usually made up of sub-periods or sets, which can be added by clicking the "Add Period" link. A separate period needs to be added for each potential period. eg for a best of 3 set rubber, 3 rubbers need to be added.