
This feature allows an association to produce a PDF handbook, containing information such as fixtures for all grades in the competition, which can be re-generated in case of changes to match data. For associations which print a fixture booklet every year, it gives a flexible, cost-effective alternative. When data changes within the Handbook, it can easily be re-generated, and interested clubs notified. People downloading the Handbook are assured that they are getting the most up to date information, and can easily print the handbook, or the pages relevant to them.

Mode: Competition Management 

Menu: Competition -> Draws -> Generate PDF Fixture


PDF handbook format

By default, the PDF handbook generated will contain the following 'dynamic' sections sourced from data within ResultsVault:

Once generated, a link to access the handbook will automatically appear at the top of the public Draw/Fixture pages for any grade within the association, and also on the Association menu within ResultsVault/SportzVault.

Generating a PDF Handbook

  1. Open the Generate PDF Handbook Page by clicking the Generate PDF Handbook link from the association main menu.
  2. The handbook is a static document and does not automatically reflect changes to underlying data (such as match data). However, it can be regenerated at any time to refresh information within it. In this way, the document can be kept up to date with late fixture changes in a much more immediate and cost effective manner when compared to traditionally printed fixture booklets that need to be professionally printed.
  3. Set the page size required for the handbook from the drop down menu.
  4. Set the margins for your handbook between 5 and 50 points.


Once generated, links will appear for the UnPublished version:

Once the PDF has been Published, that version can in turn be viewed, or deleted. It is possible to have both Published and UnPublished versions at the same time.

Customising the handbook format

The standard format of the handbook can be customised to the needs of each association. Options include:

Please for further information on customising the PDF Handbook.

Data entry required for production of the fixture

The dynamic information within the PDF Handbook relies on data from within ResultsVault:

Note: the handbook is not automatically regenerated when any of the above information changes. The association should decide when it is necessary to re-generate the handbook. We recommend regenerating the handbook whenever any fixture information changes, and about every 2 weeks in case of other contact information changing.