
Many clubs have a large number of participants, and often have a need to restrict the list of participants to those appropriate for a given need. Person Filters are used to save search criteria for use in other parts of the system. For example, a filter can be applied to a Custom Person List, or in the team selection page to select a team from. You can also send an email to the participants that meet the filter criteria via the Email People page. See below for further examples.

Note: Person Filters are a description of the the filter/search criteria, and dynamically describe a set of participants within your organisation. For example, a filter which includes records or a certain date of birth range, will returr the list as at the time the filter is used (for example in a custom list).

Using the Person Filter Management screen

The Management screen is accessable from the main administration menu, and presents a list of the current Person Filters. Only users with PERSON MANAGER rights can create, edit or delete Person Filters.

Add a new filter

Click the Add New Filter Link. The Person Filter Maintenance screen opens.

Follow the steps below: Using the Person Filter Maintenance screen

Edit a filter

Click the Edit Link of the filter to be edited. The Person Filter Maintenance screen opens.

Follow the steps below: Using the Person Filter Maintenance screen

Delete a filter

First make sure that the filter is not used in any Custom Person List

Click the Delete Link of the filter to be deleted.

Click OK at the confirmation popup.

To allow a filter to be deleted, it must be removed from the relevant Custom Person List, or the list changed to use a different filter. For custom lists owned by another user, the Custom list can only be edited by that user, but it can be deleted by any user. An error message will display upon attempting to delete a Filter where is it used in one or more Custom Lists.

Using the Person Filter Maintenance screen

Enter a name for the Filter. This will be the name used to identify the Filter on pages which use Person Filters (such as Custom Player Lists)

Optionally, enter a description for the filter. This is only displayed on the Person Filter Management screen to further describe the Filter

Select whether the filter is DYNAMIC OR STATIC

DYNAMIC filters are based on search criteria such as date of birth, player status etc. This means that the participants that appear within DYNAMIC filters can change as their data changes. For example, if a filter was set up to return all participants under 18 years of age, would return those under 18 at the time it was run. As participants turn 18, they would automatically 'disappear' from the filter results. To set up a DYNAMIC filter:

Choose DYNAMIC as the filter type

Enter the Filter criteria (each is optional):

DYNAMIC filter Examples

Age/gender qualification

Often a player will be able to play in a grade if they are a certain age as of a certain date.
Assuming we are restricting to a maximum age, enter the latest DOB in the From DOB field
Leave the To DOB field blank
Check the required Gender - eg Male
Check the Active checkbox
Give the filter a meaningful name - eg Under 16 Boys

Registered participants in an association

Most associations required participants to be registered. ResultsVault supports registration via the Register participants function
Select the Association from the Registration dropdown
Leave the To DOB field blank
Check the required Gender - eg Male
Check the Active checkbox (optional)
Give the filter a meaningful name - eg (assoc abbreviation) Registered

Note that the filter results will only be as good as the data entered for the participants - eg if you wish to have a meaningful filter based on Gender, ensure that all participants have a Gender selected in their player details.

STATIC filters are collections of participants that are not dependent on any criteria - you simply add the participants to the filter. Whilst STATIC filters are useful in cases where DYNAMIC filters cannot return the desired results, STATIC filters must be manually updated as participants need to be added or removed. To set up a STATIC filter:

Note, you can include a mixture of Active and Inactive participants for any STATIC filter
When finished, click the Save Filter button

Use of filters: Examples

Custom player lists

Create different player lists for juniors, veterans, or male, female teams. A dynamic filter can normally be used. This gives easier access rather than going to the built in Player list where all participants will be present.

Team selection

Only display relevant participants during team selection by applying a filter. A dynamic filter can normally be used. This ensures only relevant participants can be selected.

Email lists

Static filters make great Email lists, simply add the participants/contacts, and apply the filter when Emailing. For example, create a static filter containing your committee members.