This function comes handy when many records exist for the same person in the system. Although certain validations are in place to prevent such duplication, for example, within a single organisation a new person record with the same first and last names as an existing record cannot be created or a search should be done within the organisation for both 'ANY ROLES' and 'NO ROLES' if the duplicate record cannot be located, people can still work around the rules by adding middle names etc. As a result, these are good tips for system admin

  • A middle name or initial must be entered to distinguish from the existing record
  • Entering a Date of Birth (DOB) is also a good way to separate identities

The system does not currently enforce the above restrictions between different organisations for various reasons. While it is possible to create a different person record for the same person within two different organisations, this should be avoided if possible. In such cases the record should be transferred to the new organisation, which preserves the single person record. In the case of players requiring clearances between clubs, the Clearance function should be used if the association has enabled it.

Person Merge involves the combination of two person records (ie two different IDs) into one ID. In a person merge, the 'From' ID records are transferred to the 'To' ID, and the 'From' ID is then deleted. The basic person information (name, address, contact information) of the 'To' ID is kept, and that of the 'From'ID is discarded. Other data (such as roles, role history, match information etc etc) is combined for the two records wherever possible.

On this page

Merges are scheduled using this page for later overnight processing. However, depending on the number of merges there are to process, a scheduled merge may not occur for several days.

Go to Organisation or Competition Participation>> People >> Person Merge Request

Adding a scheduled Person Merge

The Person Merge List

All future and past merges are listed in the table. The table can be filtered by:

Note: All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.

Column definitions: