Files and Images can be uploaded to yourSportzVault site and are maintained in the File Manager screen. All files and images stored under File Manager are available for use within your web site.

Within your site you have two folders at the top (root) level:

Note: It is important to upload content to the correct location. For example, the Insert Image tool within the Html editor will only look in the images folder (and sub-folders of this) for images.

Whilst it isn't possible to create sub-folders at the root level, and number of sub-folders (to any depth) can be created within the files and images folders.


File Manager layout

The file manager consists of two sections:

Folders section (on the left hand side)

The folders within your website are shown in a tree view on the left hand side. To select a folder click on the folder name. Any files in that folder will be displayed in the Files section, and any sub-folders of the selected folder will display within the tree view.

Folder tools 
At the top of the folders section is the folders toolbar. The tools are:

 Tool nameTool purpose
New folderCreates a sub-folder underneath the selected folder. Note: folders cannot be created at the root level.
Paste filesMoves files into the selected folder. Used in conjunction with the Files Cut tool.
Rename folderRenames the selected folder. Note: the top level folders cannot be renamed.
Delete folderDelete the selected folder. Note: the top level folders cannot be deleted. A folder that contains files or other sub folders cannot be deleted.


Files section (on the right hand side)

The files within the selected folder are shown in a table on the right hand side. To select a single file click on the row within the table. Some functions can work on multiple files at once, in which case check the checkbox (first column of the table) of files to be selected. The information displayed for each file is the file name, size (in KB), type of file, and date modified (this will usually be the date/time the file was uploaded).

File tools 
At the top of the files section is the files toolbar. The tools are:

 Tool nameTool purpose
UploadUploads files to the selected folder.
Cut filesUsed to move files into another folder. Used in conjunction with the Folders Paste files tool.
Rename fileRenames the selected file.
Edit fileUsed to optimise (resize, re-dimension, crop) jpg images (not applicable for any other file type).
Preview filePops up a quick preview of image files, and performs a download of other file types.
Download fileDownloads the selected file so that it can saved on your computer.
Delete fileDeletes the selected files.
 Space usedDisplays the amount of storage space in use. The first number is the amount (MB) in use, the second number is your storage limit. Note: You will not be able to upload files if they would result in your storage limit being exceeded. Please contact support if you require an increase to your storage limit.


Tasks in more detail

To upload a File(s)

Unzipping zip files

If you have a large number of Files or Images to upload, and/or file sizes are large (approaching or exceeding the 1MB individual item upload limit) then the files can first be zipped, transferred as a single file, and automatically unzipped after the upload is complete.

Some points to note:

Case study: Uploading a large number of images

  1. Create the zip file using your zip tool. Include as many images (.jpg, .gif, .png) as you like, provided the total uncompressed size of the images does not exceed your space allowance.
  2. To speed the upload process, select the maximum compression that you can when creating the zip file.
  3. Follow the instructions above -To upload an Image

Case study: Uploading a large document

    1. Zip the document using your zip tool.
    2. To speed the upload process, select the maximum compression that you can when creating the zip file.
    3. Follow the instructions above -To upload an File, ensure the Unzip and delete .zip file after uploading checkbox is checked

In some cases you may wish to upload a zip file for future download (ie without unzipping). In this case uncheck the checkbox.

Note - most documents compress substantially when zipped. This can substantially reduce the amount of time taken to upload the document to the SportzVault site.

To rename a File (or image)

Warning: If the file/image is attached to a menu item, or is the target of a link in any Html page, renaming the item will break that link. You should ensure that there are no dependencies on the file/image before renaming.

To preview a File (or image)

To download a File (or image)

To edit a JPG image

JPG images can be optimised after being uploaded via the edit tool. A range of image editing tools are available for jpg images, including resize, optimising (changing the quality), cropping etc, however these tools are basic, and ideally images should be optimised before uploading. Note - other image formats (GIF, PNG) cannot be edited using this tool. More information about image optimization can be found here: (1)(2)(3).

To delete a File/s (or image/s)

Warning: If the file/image is attached to a menu item, or is the target of a link in any Html page, deleting the item will break that link. You should ensure that there are no dependencies on the file/image before deleting.

To move a File/s (or image/s) to another folder

Warning: If the file/image is attached to a menu item, or is the target of a link in any Html page, moving the item will break that link. You should ensure that there are no dependencies on the file/image before moving.

To create a sub-folder

Note: You create folders at the top level (ie the same level as the files or images folders).

To rename a folder

Note: You cannot rename the top level files or images folders.

Warning: If the folder contains files/images that are attached to a menu item, or are the target of a link in any Html page, renaming the folder will break these links. You should ensure that there are no dependencies these files/images before renaming.

To delete a folder

Folders cannot contain any files or sub folders to be deleted. If this is the case, you will first need to delete/move these items before deleting the folder.

Note: You cannot delete the top level files or images folders.


General restrictions

Also note that the larger the file to be uploaded, the longer it will take to upload. This is mainly dependent on the speed of your Internet connection. For example, to upload a 1MB file with a dial up connection can take over 5 minutes. Consider this when uploading large files or images on the site. A visitor to your web site who needs to access this content may see slow performance if file sizes are large. Minimise file/image size as much as possible - general rules of thumb are: