This screen is customised to your particular program and allows you to enter program details, including:

Additionally, once your program settings have been established, you can apply for sanctioning through your NSO by submitting your program application for approval.


Information visible on the public portal

Program information is made visible on the NSO website (as well as the club/association/private provider websites, where they exist ).  

It is also made visible through a program finder that can be used by the NSO and club/association/private provider to channel interested participants to online registration.


Program Timeslots

Private information

This information does not appear on the public portal of the NSO.  It is used by admin staff internally to manage the program, for example, specify delivery details for program packs.

Approval Status

Each program can be set up to allow sanctioning (manual approval) by the NSO.

Where sanctioning is required, each club/association/private provider running the program will need to apply for approval from the NSO after completing the program settings.


The status of a program determines where it is in the approval process: