To access Edit Ball functionality, tap on the “pencil” icon next to a ball in the Ball-by-ball list on Scoresheet.

Highlighted Features:

 To change the Batter on Strike, tap on Strike Batter and choose from selected batmen on crease.

(2) - To change Bowler, tap on Bowler and choose from selected team players.

(3) - To change type of score, tap on Score type and choose from options such as: Runs, No Balls, Wides, Byes, Leg Byes, No Ball + Runs.

(4) - To change number of runs or extras, tap on (-) to reduce and (+) to increase the score.

(5) - To change the ball's position, tap on (-) once to move it to a level below or (+) to a level above. For e.g. change Ball Number from 6 to 5, to interchange data entered for balls six and five in the over. 

  • "Delete Ball" functionality is only available when editing a ball in current over. Ball from a previous over cannot be deleted.
  • If a wicket fell on the ball, the dismissal type and the fielder involved can also be changed via Edit Ball.