The Scorecard is where you live score a match from start to end. 

Pausing a match also displays ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons above the minutes/seconds of the match clock. Pressing these buttons allow you to edit the time, and once you ‘Resume’ the match, the clock will recommence from the edited time.

To Undo the last scoring event, use the right-hand action button.

To display the scoring feed, swipe right to left on the scoring panel (middle section). 

On iOS, swiping right to left on a scoring event in the feed will allow you to delete that event. On Android, press and hold on a scoring event to delete.

Pressing any ‘+’ button will add the relevant scoring amount to a team’s score:

AFL: Goals, behinds

Rugby: Tries, drop goals, penalties (NB: When a try is added, the ‘Conversion made’ and ‘Conversion missed’ options will appear).

Netball: Points

To make any necessary adjustments if there had been a scoring discrepancy, use the minus buttons which appear at the end of a period.

Logos display for each team. To see a team’s full name, tap on their logo and a notification will appear with the name of the team displayed.

App syncs to ResultsVault after each scoring event. If no internet connection is available, scores are saved locally to the device and will reattempt to sync at the next scoring event, or when the Sync Frequency default (see Settings) is reached.