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Auto allocation of Match Officials is a powerful features in the competition management system. Before this process can be activated it must be correctly configured:

Auto Allocation Configuration

Step 1 - Configure Panel

Panels should be added and set up and used to categorise Match Officials by their accreditation level. These panels are then mapped to grades, ensuring that only Match Officials with appropriate qualifications will be assigned during automatic allocation.

Allocating Match Officials to panels makes it easier to manage allocation when you have grades of varying standards.


Panel level ID  - Used to group panels into same group of similar qualification criteria.

E.g. there is an elite junior development grade that has it's own panel but you want to group it with lower level senior grades so that overflow occurs from that panel to lower grades instead of to higher level senior grades. More often than not you will just keep this the same as the panel sort order.

Max level drop down

Sometimes you will want to limit the amount of "overflow" from the members of higher panels to lower grades so that your elite match officials do not end up being assigned to too low a grade. Generally you will set this to 0 which indicates no maximum drop down.

Step 2 - Assign to Panels

  • Select Panel and role from dropdown list to assign.
  • Move those you want from the left to right text box.
  • Click Update button for confirmation.


Roles options vs. Match Official designated function:  

  • OFF 1 equivalent to REF - Main Match official. 
  • OFF 2 equivalent to AR1 -  Senior Assistant. 
  • OFF 3 equivalent to AR2 - Junior Assistant.

Panel vs Roles restriction

  • An official is only allowed ONE role per panel
  • A Person can take multiple roles across panels. For example, an official allocated to panel 1, with role A will have a designation 1A which means for role A they are also qualified to officiate in panel 2 matches for role A. The may also have a 2B designation for the role B and so on
  • This panel overflow rule means that officials that don't get allocated to matches in their designated panel can then be used in lower grades. The overflow can be restricted such that officials don't get allocated too low.

With this setup, referees can be allocated a C and D role thereby allowing them to officiate at both the senior and reserves game at the same venue. 

Step 3 -  Configure Region

The automatic allocation process takes into account a number of variables. Allocation Regions are useful for designating a geographical area for a grade and indicating a preferred geographical region for match officials so that they will only be allocated to matches in their area.


  • Add New Region

When creating a region only the name and a description are required. Once a region has been saved, it will appear in the Allocation Region dropdown box in the Allocation Grade Config screen and the referee settings screen accessible from the Referee Edit page.

Because Regions are attached to Grades, it is important to understand that automatic appointments for grades that span across regions, or where regions are larger in scope, may not be effective.

In such cases, using the Allocate by location feature in the Referee Automatic Allocation screen will achieve better results.

Step 4 - Configure Location Venues

This is used for designating a geographic location to each venue and match official, ensuring officials will only be allocated to matches in their immediate area.

This screen allows the adding, deleting and editing of Allocation Locations used in the referee allocation process.

  • Add location and map it to certain region  - The newly created location will appear on the list for auto allocation or in Drop down list in Manual allocation by Zone

  • Assign available venues to location 
  • View venue listed attaching with location as well as regions ready for auto allocation

Step 5 - Configure grade for auto Match Official allocation

This will allow the mapping of each grade to particular Panel, Region and Venues


Grade Configuration - Match official allocation
  • Maps a Panel to the selected grade so that Match Officials can be auto allocated. 
  • If selected, then only Match Officials with the same allocation region will be considered in the Auto Allocation process. 

Is Reserve Grade

  • Indicates if this grade a Reserve Grade for another grade. If checked then some Umpire roles will only apply to this grade

Associated Grade

  • If the competition is structured into Senior and Reserve grades then choose the related grade using the dropdown box. For instance, if this grade is a Senior grade then choose the associated Reserve grade and vice-versa.

Number of officials to allocate

  • This will set the maximum number of match officials to allocate for this grade.

Allocation Club Repeat rule (weeks)

  • To control the minimum number of weeks between allocation that a club in the grade will "see" the same Match Official.

Payment Settings (Football only)

  • Enabled to nominate payment rates for each role in football by keying in the values for each role. 
  • Payment rates are used to calculate individual match payments for each referee and are pivotal for calculation in the Referee Payment Summary report.

Start Auto Allocation process

As soon as the above 5 steps have been configured for Auto Allocation system, the grade will be available & auto allocation process can be initiated. 

Auto Allocation Screen

Week Of

  • In the selected season a list of match round weeks is populated in the "Week Of" drop down box. 
  • This is the Saturday of the week that includes matches from the preceding Wednesday and the following Tuesday.
  • The screen will default to the upcoming Saturday.

Selected Grades

  • The selected grades will be the ones that the process will allocate match officials to.

Allocation Mode

  • Allocate and Preserve current allocations: Current allocations are preserved while the automatic process tries to allocate officials to unassigned matches
  • Allocate and Overwite current allocations: Current allocations are first cleared then then the process allocates matches officials to matches
  • Clear current allocations: All allocations are cleared for the selected grades

Only Allocate Main

  • Prevents secondary officials from being automatically allocated to matches.


 Checklist for auto allocation

  • Match Officials are assigned to panels for given match officiating associated with grades, regions and venues per configuration
  • Match Officials can be set so that they are qualified for different roles for different panels (ie Main Referee for B Grade but only Senior Assistant in A Grade)
  • Allocations take into account allocation history so that does not visit the same team for a certain period. This can be adjusted per panel.
  • Members not allocated from a higher panel are made available to grades for a lower panel. This can be configured per panel.
  • Per grade or league the number of officials to allocate can be set for instances where they don't need all officials allocated.
  • The "main" match official is allocated first, to all grades then supporting officials are allocated after that. This ensures every match gets at least one the main official(s)
  • The automatic allocation process can preserve current allocations allowing manual allocations to take place first
  • The allocation process can be run across all grades in the competition or just across a selection of grades
  • Allows for Match Officials to officiate at multiple matches per weekend or just one.
  • The configuration allows for s to officiate at a reserves and seniors match on the same match day at the same venue.
  • Match Official availability settings are taken into account.
  • Match Officials can be given a plus or minus rating so that they get allocated first or last within a given panel.
  • The automatic allocation process gives feedback when finished indicating the number of match official positions that could not be allocated.
  • An allocation "health" report is available listing various instances where umpires had to double up or missed out on matches altogether

Umpire Automatic Allocation Status

**Under Construction**

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