Child pages
  • Grade Divisions

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Add / Edit a New Division

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  1. Click Add New Division link to add a new Division, or click the Edit link for a particular Division to edit Division details.
  2. Edit the fields as per the table below.
  3. Click Update and OK to save changes.

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Grade Division Name*A unique name for the group of grades. For example - Men's, Women's, Juniors, Division 3
Parent Division

The Parent Division (grouping) to which the Grade Division belongs.

This allows you to categorize the Grade Divisions and display the Grade Division names with reference to the category on public sites.

For example, if you link the "Premier" Grade Division to the Parent Division "Mens", the public site will list the Grade Division as "Mens Premier".

Sort Order

The order in which the Division is displayed within the list of divisions.

A sort Oorder of "0" is sorted as the highest in the list.

Leaving this blank will result in the Division being added below any specified sort orders. If more than one sort order is left blank, the Divisions without a sort order will display in the sequence in which they were added to the system.

Add a Grade to / Remove a Grade from a Grade Division

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  1. To add grades to / remove grades from a division, click the Edit Members link for the Division you wish to change.
  2. Edit the fields as per the table below.
  3. Click Save and OK to save changes.

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Selected Grades

Select one or more grades from the Grades list and press the Add-> button to add grades to the Selected Grades list.

Select one or more grades from the Selected Grades list and press the <-Remove button to remove grades from the Selected Grades list.
