Child pages
  • Team/Squad Setup

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This screen allows the customization of Grades within a Club - the grade name as it appears to the club, sort order and other items.

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Grade/TeamThis is the grade name as known within the Association Club in summary format (via the Summary statistics entry pages).
Friendly name

A name may be specified to identify the Grade within the Club.
For example, a grade known as 'Senior A' to the association may be known as '1st XI' within the club. Leave blank to use the Association name.

Sort orderDetermines the order the grades are listed in various drop-down lists and reports etc.

Hide public teams until match commences - If checked, the team list will not be displayed on public pages before the date/time of the match commencement. In this case, a message will indicate the teams have been selected, but are not available.



Squad Management

Squads are a collection of players that are defined as the basis of selecting teams for a given match.
For example, a particular team may only ever select a team from a group of 20 players out of the club's player list. By defining a squad with those 20 players, by default the team selection page will filter the player list to just those 20.


Squads - Child organisation type teams

These can be edited by the managing organisation via the 'Team Settings' tab of Grade Maintenance, or at the child organisation level via the 'Grade Configuration' screen. Squads are defined for a given season and grade only, and need to be setup separately for new grades or seasons.

Squads - Entity teams

These can be edited by the managing organisation via the 'Team Settings' tab of Grade Maintenance, or via the Entity Team Management screen. These types of squads persit across seasons and grades (if the team is entered across multiple seasons or grades) and don't need to be set up every time.
The squad information for each team is listed in the Squad column:
  • The number of players in the squad is displayed.
  • The squad list can be viewed by clicking the View link.
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  • The squad list can be edited by clicking the Edit link


     'Locked' squads cannot be edited.

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