Child pages
  • Public Profile

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Edit your public profile here (see details below).

Click Update button to update your changes or go to another screen to discard your changes.

Image Added

Profile Image

Upload an image for your profile by clicking the Select button, locating a photograph of your choosing and adding it to your profile.

The image will be previewed on the screen and will not be saved until you click the Update button.

You can choose to use the image for all affiliated organisations by ticking the Use this image across all my organisations option.

 You can selected

Profile FIelds

If your national organisation has defined profile fields, they will display here and you will be able to edit them.

Profile Privacy Setting

You can select to make your profile visible on

  • all public websites and/or 
  • public websites of your affiliated organisations.

Tick the options as required and update the details by clicking the Update button.

 Image Removed