This screen allows searching or browsing for child organisations. The following actions can then be taken:


Search for an Organisation

Search tab

This allows child organisations to be searched by entering part of the name, or the ID number.

  1. Enter part of the organisation name, and make a selection from the dropdown list (whether the name contains, starts or ends with the search string).

  2. Alternatively, enter the Organisation ID.
  3. To include 'non-linked organisations (i.e. those that have no parent organisations), check the 'non-linked organisations' checkbox.
  4. Click the Search button.  Search results are then listed in a table below.


Actions for an Organisation

  1. Choose one of the three actions (Show Details, Administer, Edit)
  2. Alternatively, click the Select link of an organisation.
    1. The child organisations of the selected organisation can then be displayed.
    2. Select Immediate and click Search to display the child organisations that a directly related to the selected organisation.
    3. Select All descendents and click Search to display the child organisations that are directly related to the selected organisation, plus any decendent organisations (i.e. children of the children, and so on, to the bottom of the organisation tree).
    4. Make a selection from the Filter type dropdown list to limit the child organisations to the selected Organisation type.
    5. Any child organisations displayed can also be selected and the process repeated to 'drill down' the organisation tree.

Attributes of the organisation are shown in the Status column of the search results:

N : Means an 'non-linked' organisation - i.e. one that has no parent organisations.
H : Hidden organisation (will not appear in public organisation searches).



Tree view tab

This displays the child organisations in a hierarchical 'tree' view, grouped by organisation type.