This screen allows a review of the match to be entered. Match reviews are limited to approximately 15000 characters (including any HTML markup) for each match.

Each side competing in a match may enter their own review.

Entering Match Review

  1. Select the Season, Round and Grade for the Match Review to be entered. Click Go.
  2. In the large text area, write the review for the match. Line breaks may be entered with a normal carriage return, and HTML formatting may be use for emphasis.
  3. Click Update and OK to Save Changes.

Viewing Match Review

The match review can be viewed by selecting the View Match Review link underneath the text area, on the left side. Changes made to the Match Review won't be visible in the View Match Review screen until the Update button has been pressed.

Display on Public-Site

Check/un-check this option as required to make the match review visible on your public site.


See also the help topic Html Editor for further information about using the Html Editor to format your content.
Alternatively, construct your review in a text editor such as Word, copy to the clipboard and paste the review into the text area. You should use the Code Cleaner tool (see Html Editor help) to remove extra formatting from Word if this approach is used.