Clearance Overview

Player clearances is a mechanism whereby clubs gain approval from their governing body to transfer a player from one club to another. Throughout the process, the affected clubs and the association are notified by email as to the actions that are required at any stage.

Note: Permits have a similar process to that described below for Clearances, except the application is between one club and the association. A player must be on a club's player list before a Permit can be requested.

More information about Permits

Below is an overview of the clearance process.

Step by step

Creating a clearance application (applies to the destination club)

Go to Mode: Competition Participation Menu: Players -> Permits & Clearances -> Apply for a Player Clearance

  1. Search for the player within ResultsVault by any of the ResultsVault ID, the Player Name, or the Player club
  2. A list of players is displayed. Click the Select link. Make sure that where a player is listed as belonging to more than one club, that the correct club is chosen.
  3. Select the season, and the association the clearance applies to.
  4. Fill in the Clearance reason and optionally the To club comment
  5. Click Submit

When applying for a clearance for a player that is not in ResultsVault first create a record and add that player to your player list, then apply for the clearance. A note should be added to the From Club Comment that the player was not within ResultsVault.

Responding to a clearance (applies to the 'from' club)

Go to Mode: Competition Participation Menu: Player -> Permits & Clearances -> Clearance and Permits List

  1. Ensure the current season is selected
  2. Locate the player in the Clearances requested by other clubs table
  3. Click Detail to access the Clearance request
  4. Select the appropriate Clearance response: Granted, Denied, or More information
  5. Fill in the From club comment
  6. Click Submit 

Responding to a clearance (applies to the association)

Go to Mode: Competition Management Menu: Players -> Player Clearance List

  1. Ensure the current season is selected
  2. Locate the player in the Clearances List table
  3. Click Detail to access the Clearance request*
  4. Select the appropriate Clearance response: Granted, Denied, or More information:destination club, More information:from club
  5. Fill in the Association comment
  6. *or.. click Audit to see the history of the request
  7. *or.. click Delete to delete the request - this should only be done if the request was created in error

Notes on the process

Clearance Status Definitions

Unsubmitted - A clearance that has been created (by the Destination Club) but not yet submitted.

Pending - Ex Club A clearance that is waiting on the Ex Club to do something such as grant or deny the application The Destination Club can still change the clearance/permit application while it is in this state.

Pending - Destination Club - A clearance that is waiting on the Destination Club to do something such as provide extra information

Pending - Association - A clearance that is waiting on the Association to either grant or deny the application

Granted - Ex Club - A clearance application that has been and granted by the club that the player is being cleared from.

Granted - A clearance that has been processed and granted by the association. The player will be transferred to the destination club if required.

Denied - Ex Club - A clearance that has been denied by the club the player is being cleared from.

Denied - Association - A clearance that has been denied by the association.

Field descriptions

Fields Description for Clearance application (fields marked with * are mandatory)

Clearance Reason * The reason for the clearance. (not applicable for permits)

Club Comments Any additional comments the club making the application wishes to make

First Name , Middle Name/Initial, Last Name*, Last Played* , Date of Birth*, Address, Suburb/Town, Postcode, State, Country, Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile Phone* Self evident fields for the player that requires the clearance/permit

From Club , From Club Contact*, From Club Email, From Club Phone* Information pertaining to the club where the player that requires the clearance last played (ie the Ex Club).