Establishing the Office Bearers and for a season is primarily a function for Clubs and Associations. Names of Office Bearers will be displayed on the public Office Bearers page of a Club/Association's (Sportzvault) website.


Select the season for which to specify Office Bearers and press Go.

  • Clubs can select Office Bearers from their list of active, inactive players or contacts.
  • Associations can select Office Bearers from their list of umpires or contacts.

You can make any number of changes, however no changes will be applied to the public web site until you click the Apply Changes button
To abandon all changes click the Abandon changes button. You will lose all changes that were not previously applied.
Changes must be applied before exiting the page, or before using the selector bar to select a different season, otherwise all changes will be lost. This includes changes due to copying titles from a different season, or clearing data from the current season.

About the tree control


Creating new items

Editing existing items

Deleting existing items

Moving items

Both Heading items (including all of its child items) and Person items can be moved to anywhere else within the tree structure by dragging and dropping with the mouse.

Copying titles from a different season

Titles from a previous season can be copied to save re-entry each season.

Clear data for the season

To completely remove all data for the current season: