Person accreditations can be based on Online Learning (course completion), Competition Involvement or an independent accreditation scheme set up by the governing entity. 

The Accreditation Dashboard provides a snapshot of number of person records for each accreditation type along with number of expiring accreditations in the next 12 month period.

On the Accreditation Manager screen, use the available filtering criteria to search for person records with a particular accreditation.

denotes that the person accreditation is valid while denotes that the person's accreditation has expired.

Options available for data matching your preferred filters include Downloading the data for external use and creating a Static Person Filter.

If Show all accreditation is ticked and a person has more than one accreditations against his record, for example in Bronwen's case as illustrated below- the person ID is shown multiple times to highlight each qualification.


Use "Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column" to classify displayed data on the basis of Status, Person ID, Player name, Suburb, Latest Organisation, Accreditation or the date of achievement/expiry.

For example, classification on the basis of Latest Organisation: