When you log in, the first screen that displays is divided into two parts - the ‘Matches’ screen on the left and the ‘Settings’ screen on the right. 


Multiple scorers can now score any Play-Cricket game simultaneously.

  • Primary scorer:
    • First user to access a match is the primary scorer
    • Primary scorer has the lock on the match, and therefore the ability to sync scores to Play-Cricket.
    • Primary scorer has the ability to release the lock on the match at any point by pressing Back, and Saving and Unlocking the match
  • Secondary scorer(s):
    • No lock on the match, and therefore no ability to sync scores to Play-Cricket.
    • Secondary scorers are essentially scoring the match in a ‘standalone’ mode.
    • If the primary scorer relinquishes the lock on the match, a secondary scorer can take over the lock by pressing the Lock icon in the toolbar and following the prompts.

NB: Successfully taking over the lock on the match will clear the local version of the match from the user’s device, and replace it with the most up-to-date synced version from the Play-Cricket system.


Highlighted Features:

 (1) To choose a match from another Competition, tap on Competitions to select from the list of Competitions set up by your governing body

 (2) To force a fresh download of matches data from Play-Cricket, tap on the Download icon. This may be required if changes were made in the 24 hours prior to attempting to score the match.

 (3) See matches for the selected Competition under the Play-Cricket tab. To set up and score a custom offline match, tap on 'Other Games' tab. Use the Other Games mode to preview the app's scoring features and get familiar with the Play-Cricket Scorer layout.  

 (4) Completed: See matches whose scoring is complete and saved. To remove any completed matches from the app, swipe to the left on the match and select Remove. (On Android, press and hold on the match to show Remove option). To view the Scorecard for a completed match, tap anywhere on the row of the required match. To share this Scorecard via email or social media, tap on  or to print Scorecard as PDF, tap on in the top right corner on the Scorecard. 

 (5) In Progress:  See matches that are partially scored, either on the current device or elsewhere. To resume scoring, tap anywhere on the row of the match. To delete any synced scores, swipe to the left on the match and select Clear. (On Android, press and hold on any match to show the Clear option.)

 (6) Upcoming: See matches that are scheduled and available for scoring in the next 5 days. To select a match for scoring, tap anywhere on the row of the required match.


Downloaded Matches:

 (7) To download a match for offline scoring or clear data for a downloaded match, swipe to the left on the match for more options. (On Android, press and hold on match to show more options). Using the Download option will save the match data, team lists to your local device, and the match will be marked on the Matches screen as ‘Downloaded’. When logged in and connected to the internet to score a previously downloaded match, the locally saved data for the match will be replaced with the latest version of the match from the Play-Cricket server. 

Offline scoring for Downloaded Matches:

 (8) Downloaded matches can be scored and saved to your local device when no login and no internet connection is available. If you don't have a login ID for the Scorer app, simply Continue without logging in and use the Downloaded Matches option. The club administrator (who has a login ID and internet connection) can then login and sync the locally-saved match scores to the Play-Cricket website.


 (9) To select how match scores are synced between the Scorer app, Live app and Play-Cricket website, tap on Sync Frequency and choose from two available options: end of over or manual syncing. Click here for more information on syncing.

(10) To select match score format, tap on Score Format and choose either 4/378 (wickets/runs format) or 378/4 (runs/wickets format).

(11) To select whether or not to access help-guides from within the app, use the toggle switch for In-app help.

Match Defaults: 

(12) To set total number of overs to be bowled per innings, tap on the downward-facing arrow and select from options available.

(13) To set the maximum number of overs per bowler / per innings, tap on the downward-facing arrow and select from options available.

(14) To change number of balls per over, tap on () to reduce and (+) to increase the value.

(15) To set number of runs added to the batting team's total on delivery of a Wide ball, tap on () to reduce and (+) to increase Wide value.

(16) To set number of runs added to the batting team's total on delivery of a No-ball, tap on () to reduce and (+) to increase No ball value.

(17) To select whether or not to require confirmation of each ball in the match, use the toggle switch for Confirm balls.

(18) To select whether or not the delivery is to be bowled again in case the bowler bowls an extra, use the toggle switch for Re-bowl no balls and wides. 

(19) To access settings for Pairs Cricket, tap on Pairs Cricket.

(20) To sign-out and exit the app, tap on Logout.