
 allows organisations to send SMS (short message service) messages in much the same way as sending emails. Organisations wishing to use the service may purchase credits and send an SMS message to recipients. Organisations may SMS all or selected people within their organisation, and Parent Organisations can SMS all or selected Child Organisations.

SMS Sender User Role

Only users that have the SMS SENDER User Role can send SMS messages. This special role has been created to allow organisations to closely control who can send messages - this is important as it is a charged service. See the help topic Create new user for information about changing user roles.


  1. Authorise the appropriate users with the SMS Communication to send SMS and purchase credits
  2. If necessary, purchase extra credits to ensure sufficient credits to message all intended recipients. One credit is required per 150 character message, per recipient (eg. Sending one message to 20 recipients requires 20 credits). A full account history is available at all times, giving the number of credits remaining, and details of each message sent.
  3. Intended recipients must have a valid mobile number entered in their person record. This can be updated via the Editing person record function.
  4. SMS Sender must ensure their email address is up to date as all replies will be sent to the address provided in the sender's User Details
  5. Ensure a name and/or reply phone number is provided in the SMS message body text. When recipients receive the SMS the number will be our SMS Gateway Provider's number, not the sender's own mobile number.
  6. Check for replies in your email.

SMS messaging is '2-way' - ie replies can be received by the sender via their email account (that is, the email account which is registered within your User Details). SMS replies are not sent back to your mobile phone.

Send SMS Message

SMS Messages can be sent to all or a selection of people within an organisation, and associations have additional ability to SMS people within Child Organisations.

To SMS people within an organisation (for clubs and associations):

Go to Mode: Competition Participation Menu: Communications -> SMS ->

To SMS people from Child Organisations (for associations):

Go to Mode: Competition Management Menu: Communications -> SMS -> Child Organisations

Steps to Send SMS Message

  1. Use the filters to obtain a list of intended recipients, as when viewing the Downloading person List. Click Display Recipients

  2. Recipients must have a valid mobile phone number entered on their person record. This can be added via the Editing person record screen. To Only display recipients with a valid mobile number, tick the box in Options.
  3. Unlike sending an email, no subject is entered.
  4. Select all intended recipients for the SMS. By default all recipients in the Recipient List will be selected. Select All Recipients and Select No Recipients buttons are available. Individual recipients can be selected by ticking each recipient intended for the SMS.
  5. Add any additional phone numbers not included in the Recipient List, including the sender's mobile number (if required), intended for the SMS by typing each phone number in the Extra recipients field. Each mobile number must be separated by a semi colon (;). Do not put spaces into, before, or after numbers.
  6. Type the message to be sent to recipients in the Message field. The maximum message length is 150 characters (less than the normal 160 allowed because of the Message ID used for message tracking - see below)
  7. Click Send SMS

The Send copy to sender option is not available because mobile numbers are not recorded within your User Details. However, additional mobile numbers (including that of the sender) can be added to the Extra recipients field. SMS replies from recipients will be received via the Sender's email address.

Format of messages received, and replies received

Replies will be sent via email to the address provided in the SMS Sender's User Details, unless a reply mobile number has been included in the message body text and is used by recipients.

The return email will include:

Purchase SMS credits

Credits can be purchased immediately on-line via credit card, or by cheque (credits become available once cheque has been received and clears).

Go to Mode: Competition Participation or Management Menu: Communications -> SMS -> Purchase SMS credits

  1. Click Select next to the number of credits to be purchased.
  2. Payment options (credit card or cheque) will become available, and the selected amount will be highlighted in red.

  3. *If paying by Credit Card, enter credit card details and click Purchase. The credit balance will reflect the purchase and credits are immediately available for use.
  4. *If paying by cheque, click Pay by Cheque. An Invoice will generate to be printed and sent to InteractSport with the cheque for the corresponding amount. Once the cheque is cleared the credits will become available and will be indicated in the credit balance.

  5. The purchase will be reflected in SMS Message History, which can be viewed from the Purchase SMS credits screen by clicking View Account History.

Suggested uses for ResultsVault SMS

It's up to you, but here are a few suggestions: